
When I was a child I used to sit and think
About God and stars
About people and life
Why I was created?
Resting on two legs and working with two hands
There I was wondering
Two eyes to see the majestic beauty
Two ears to listen
And a mouth to speak
Moulded in to a unique body
And run by a beautiful mind
I used to see pigeons fly in the sky
I wondered if I could fly
Not with my body
But inside my mind
I dreamed of flying
Crossing the boundaries of fear
But fear was a despot inside my mind
My mouth was shut by opinions
Which were fed over the course of time
None of them original
My lips vibrated when I spoke
They danced on the orders of the imaginary fear
I could see the beauty inside my mind
But I was unable to feel it in real
An unbreakable wall was created
Which kept me away from the clouds
I so wanted to cry then
To let my words express themselves through tears
And to collect them and feel their warmth
It was all a long time ago
I have improved a lot
I am becoming a better actor
My mouth throws words at my wish
The lips don\’t vibrate
But the heart still does
It breaks into pieces
Everytime I hear judgements
It feels as if someone is sitting inside
Pressing my heart
But my face is blank
The inside battles are completely hidden
Sometimes when I am alone
I sit in my room
I look outside my window
There is a big tree
I watch it and embrace it as it is
My heart releases a little pressure
I don\’t cry
The tears now don\’t express
They are dry now
But my hands tremble in excitement
And I pour myself on the blank paper.

2 thoughts on “Express”

  1. Wow, your words took me back to my days! Even I used to wonder how beautifully and perfectly God has created this universe and everything inside it. 🙂 The ending is so touching! You write very beautifully.
    -Firefly 🐝

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