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Short Stories

Be Alive…..

  I was thrashed out of my house, I was not able to fulfill their expectations, I was impecunious. They always said they loved me, …

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Short Stories

Simple yet difficult….

  The garden was almost full of people, a social gathering was going on. All eyes were full of zeal, faces were happy. Some boorish …

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The Dream World…….

  Finally it is night, my dreams have been so patient, they waited for me, and now I am ready to meet up with them, …

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Do what you feel is right…..

  Do you have enough courage? Ask yourself. This world around us, is built from lies, here in this world, our fears prevail and talk …

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Short Stories


Finally I found my lost veracity, it was there somewhere hidden behind the non existing fear. Yes I tried to kill a man, a man …

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your lost self………….

It was looking at me from inside the water, it was dancing around the waves, yet maintaining its position. I was a victim of calumny, …

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  We are bounded by the boundaries of the world, no technology has the power to break those boundaries, but the mind is free. With …

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The Hanging Lamps…

  The stars were hanging from the infinite sky, all pointing towards me, may be not but it seemed so. The view was multifarious, but …

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Short Stories

All Alone……

  I woke up and got dressed. It was a really murky day it seemed, and as I was indolent, it was really tough for …

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Short Stories

Are you ready?

It asked- so, are you ready? We should leave now. I tried to palliate the situation and replied in a firm voice- why didn\’t you …

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The Leibster Award…

This is my second leibster award and i want to thank radhika for nominating me. go check her blogs, they are amazing…   The rules: …

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Short Stories

Just to live…

  She was an old insouciant lady, her desiccated face was conquered by experience of her own life. Her struggles were speaking through her small …

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Chaos inside….

The room was silent, the body was a chaos… The mind was shouting, the heart didn’t respond… The mind saw money, the heart desired love… …

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was it really there..?

It danced they laughed, it cried they laughed.. The mind imagined it all, the body blindly followed the mind.. The dreams were ecstatic, the action …

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Short Stories

look inside……

I was sitting in my room, all by myself, with no one to hang around, my demureness was the reason for that. But it had …

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Short Stories

I still had hope…..

He was shouting on her, maligning her badly like a despot, I moved on further. I was walking on the side of a very narrow …

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3 day quote challenge day 3

  I am here with my final day of 3 day quote challenge… RULES: 1.A quote each day for three days. 2.Nominating three different people …

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The bird….

It flew in the sky, challenging the wind which slapped its eye… Then came the rain, with all its impact,it fell above its head, it …

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3 day quote challenge day 2…

I am here with the second day and another really inspiring quote from Albert Einstein… RULES: 1.A quote each day for three days. 2.Nominating three …

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Black cat Blue Sea….

I am really glad that i am receiving this award and i want to thank for nominating me. The name of the award itself …

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