3 day quote challenge day 2…

I am here with the second day and another really inspiring quote from Albert Einstein…

1.A quote each day for three days.
2.Nominating three different people each day.
3.Each day you have to nominate three different bloggers.

so i will start with the greatest mind ever born, Albert Einstein…


Here it is:

\” learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning\”

                                                   – Albert Einstein

The most inspiring part of this quote is the last line, \” not to stop questioning\”, and we today have lost that curiosity. We have answers almost to all questions, we never take a step back and ask a question. And i think if we do we will get much closer to ourselves and to the nature.

My nominations:

  1. Divya
  2. swapnil
  3. kevin

12 thoughts on “3 day quote challenge day 2…”

    1. Thank you…
      Does it really matter who wrote it? I mean these are great words and someone great must have written them..and no one claimed the quote to be his or her own..for me I have read einstein’s biography and I can imagine him write these words, because of his life..the important thing is the meaning behind the quote…

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