Can we be the Country we deserve?

What to do? Why is this happening? If the perpetrators are arrested why are they still alive? The mind is battling with what has happened and why it has happened. Do we not have answers to these questions? We surely don’t.When I think about such atrocity I feel helpless. What can I do? What can we do as a society? And there cannot be just one thing because of which such a level of crime is happening. There are many reasons and not one.

It’s how we treat women and the way we talk about them. The cuss words we use that subconsciously allow a certain kind of disrespect towards women. And these abuses are considered cool by both genders. Think about it. They make us laugh and tickle. How sick is our subconscious?

Everything is part of the reason. The way we raise our children is also very important. We perpetrate such kind of behavior by ignoring sickly things that might result in a catastrophe. But we think this much is fine. There is a line and we are far away from it.
Another part of the reason is the education system. It’s not a system, it’s a scam. The government schools are extremely bad. There is no sex education in the syllabus which should be a must. And there is no proper education and jobs. Being deprived of basic things leads to a sickly mindset. And we have reached a level that it will take years before we reach a system that protects us and that is the reason why we need punishment. A punishment so cruel and brutal that any one even with any mindset would freeze even before thinking committing such crime.
But that also seems to not be in our hands. Why?

They say India has 60% youth population. Can 60% of this country rise up and not vote until every member in the parliament is without a criminal record?
Can we force the government to make this rule?
Can we force them to make a rule that without a proper education we won’t allow anyone to be a politician?
Can we do that?
Can we, the 60% ,hold our vote until we get the security we deserve at all places?
Can we make the system in a way that we get justice in such heinous crimes in  less than a month?

Can we divert everything going on and focus our attention on making the system such as it brings justice faster?
Can we get the courage to confront someone who is not behaving properly and report him?
Can we create a database of all the potential threats?

Can we not tolerate movies which promote offensive content that makes our society feel that certain things are fine?
Can we not cover vulgarity and misogyny with the tag of entertainment?
Can we not say that entertainment isn’t responsible for changing society?
Can we have the courage to realize that it’s everything, everywhere, that is responsible for such atrocities being done by human kind?
Can we be just more than our vote?
10% might not be enough
But 60% can be.

Can we be the country we deserve?

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