Every thing is comprehensible…

The background was dark yet beautiful, lots of people were there but only sound came from water flowing briskly in the river, as if the ear rejected all other noises, the gregarious part of my nature was diluted completely in the serenity of the surroundings.

It was like everyone was looking at the same picture, but some how I was comprehending it differently.

All was happening very fast, people were walking, birds were flying, wind was caressing our faces, but to me, all was in slow motion.

Everything suddenly started making sense, but strangely, my senses were not sensing anything.

The mystery even took my breath away, I was walking very slowly towards no where, with a faint smile which signified knowing.

I knew something, I perceived something. All that was incomprehensible before was now comprehensible. Or should I Say, it was never incomprehensible, I just thought it has to be and assumed it because of my ignorance.

I guess I realized now, knowledge is not looking with the eyes, it is looking with the mind.

7 thoughts on “Every thing is comprehensible…”

  1. ooooh. there is something eerie and captivating with this work. and this line is just beautifully made: “Everything suddenly started making sense, but strangely, my senses were not sensing anything.”

  2. “Knowledge is looking through the mind,” yes I agree. Maybe even more, it involves all your sense and experiences. It requires practice and new experiences. It needs to be used and thought over, sometimes dissected, sometimes for the moment, accepted as is. It should make you question. Most of all I have learned beginning with my university degree, almost a decade ago now, knowledge makes you realize there is so much more you do no not know. It is ironic in that sense, the more you know, the more you realize you know nothing. Thanks for this piece it was inspired.

  3. Hi,
    I know people here. We must travel in the same circles. I agree with the first commentor. Your writing is captivating. I thought this is going to turn out to be a dream.
    Congratulations on being Danny Ray’s featured blogger. I was his featured blogger too! Maybe you can check out my blog if you need a blogging tip or two. That’s what I write about.

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