That day!


I was going to help her

She was sitting on the footpath

With her daughter

Her leg was broken

Her face was disheveled

I saw her from a distance

I was in a taxi

The signal was red when I saw her

I decided to help her

But the signal suddenly went green

My taxi ran with others

I was back to my world

I thought let it be

Somebody will help her

Those eyes stayed with me

After fifteen minutes

I was at my house

And I was still thinking about that lady

I again sat inside the taxi

And went back to that signal

There was no one there

I looked around

But I didn’t see her

I regret that day even today

Not because I didn’t help her

But because I killed my kindness that day

I killed a part of myself that day

For a few seconds, I killed god

And created evil.

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