liebster awards…


Thank you so much mrudula

This is really a big motivation for me to write more, credit goes to you. I am grateful..

Here are the rules..


Here goes the questions that were asked to me…

1.What does your blog mean to you?

It all comes down to writing, my blog allows me write about what i feel and think, and at the same time i can get varied reactions from all my co-bloggers. With every new blog i write, i discover myself and also iĀ  get to know myself more than before. It is a truly wonderful experience.
2.Tell me one thing that you love and one thing that you hate about yourself.

I have the confidence to be as i am without bothering about others, i never change my thoughts or actions based on what others say and that is what i love about myself. The thing i hate is my laziness, though, it happens rarely..
3.What is your most embarrassing moment?

No embarrassing moments..though i had various opportunities but i never scored on them..)
4. One craziest thing you have done.

There was one incident, i was once slapped by me teacher, and he was shouting, and i don\’t know what but suddenly i started laughing, he was going crazy looking at me…he slapped me again, and i laughed harder..finally he left..No other crazy stuff..
5. Who is your idol and why?

I idolize different things in different people, but if you ask about one then it has to be albert einstein…just for his simple living but so profound and high thinking..He is the biggest inspiration for me..
6. Do you have any pets?

no…but i had one street dog when i was a child, i used to play with him and feed him..later he died..after that no pets…
7. What is the one thing that you want to achieve at any cost?

There is no such thing that i want to achieve at any cost..because the cost may be losing myself, and i don\’t want anything if that turns me to someone who is a total stranger..i do want somethings but I don\’t want them at any cost. Because the cost can be very dangerous also..
8. What makes you happy?

Reading, writing and knowing more and more about this world and universe..also to find out why things are like as they are..
9. What is your dream job?

To motivate and inspire others by writing..
10. Your favorite holiday destination?

Not been there yet..but i like places which have an element of mystery to them..but i am yet to explore the world..
11. If God asked you to wish for a super power.. What would it be?

Make me god for ever…

Random (weird) facts about me

  1. I am very reserved..and many times people don\’t get me..
  2. I read children\’s stories..
  3. I am an agnostic..
  4. I can convince and manipulate easily, though i generally don\’t..
  5. I generally don\’t react, people wonder whether i am happy or sad..

That is all i have..

My questions for the bloggers..

  1. How will you define yourself?
  2. What inspires you to write?
  3. The memory which you want to keep always alive..?
  4. your ultimate goal in life?
  5. what are your views on morality?
  6. the most exciting place you have ever been to?
  7. the personality which inspires you the most?
  8. what should one look for in your blogs?
  9. your biggest fear?
  10. what is god for you?

My nominations.

and mrudula…i know you nominated me..but I just want to know your answers to my questions..

thanks again..mahish

10 thoughts on “liebster awards…”

      1. Sorry for the delay Shreyans!
        I’m busy with exams.
        Here are my answers.
        How will you define yourself?
        A full too introvert and fun loving person.
        What inspires you to write?
        My personal experiences and reading other people’s works.
        The memory which you want to keep always alive..?
        Every moment spent with my dear ones.
        your ultimate goal in life?
        Be happy in whatever I do.
        what are your views on morality?
        Morality is something which we should obey for our happiness but not just for the sake of it. It should actually differ from one person to other not just like a set of hard rules.
        the most exciting place you have ever been to?
        It has to be movie theaters.. Always excites me..
        the personality which inspires you the most?
        One who is always positive and fills everyone around them with positivity. No one in particular.
        what should one look for in your blogs?
        I’m not a serious writer. So one should look only for my thoughts behind every post.
        your biggest fear?
        I have many.. Losing my dear ones, and also silence.. I can’t stay in dark or silence for long.
        what is god for you?
        I’ve never seen God as super natural. He is like a friend who helps me in difficulties.

      1. My blog’s an award free blog already but I can surely answer your question.

        How will you define yourself?
        I am a reading writer. That’s it. šŸ™‚
        What inspires you to write?
        A lot. Words I’ve read, songs I’ve listened to. And sometimes, personal experiences.
        The memory which you want to keep always alive..?
        Those I shared with my family.
        your ultimate goal in life?
        Hmmm. Professionally, I want to be a newspaper writer. Emotionally, I just want to be with the ones I love. šŸ™‚
        what are your views on morality?
        It is now sadly seen as irrelevant. But I still value it.
        the most exciting place you have ever been to?
        It’s in Ilocos Sur. šŸ™‚
        the personality which inspires you the most?
        Mitch Albom and Sara Bareilles. šŸ™‚
        what should one look for in your blogs?
        Poems and flash fictions. šŸ™‚
        your biggest fear?
        Death of a loved-one.
        what is god for you?
        He is my all.

        There you go! šŸ™‚

  1. Thank you so much for answering..some wonderful answers there…would love to visit ilocos sur..also I wish you become a great newspaper writer..
    Thank you for sharing this..

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